The Origins of Maserati | North Marietta, GA | Rocco's European Garage

The Maserati Family Origins

Where Maserati Began

Maserati is a car manufacturer with a deep history in car building and repair, and Maserati is especially known for their racing models. What people don’t know is how long Maserati has been involved in the auto racing industry. The first real automobile races occurred in France in 1895, and not long after did the Maserati company begin.

The Start of a Legacy

Maserati was an Italian family with seven children. Three of those children, Ernesto, Ettore, and Alfieri Maserati opened a car repair shop in Bologna, Italy, in 1914 during the First World War. With the knowledge and experience they gained performing repairs, they began building cars. Their first car under the Maserati name is the Tipo 26 which showed their iconic trident logo. This model is the very long, cylindrical car you may have seen in old racing films. It was low to the ground and very aerodynamic because of its long shape, making it a great template for future cars designed for racing.

Continued Work Gives Results

As the Maserati brand grew, it saw success against competitors when Wilbur Shaw won the Indianapolis 500 in 1939 two years in a row driving a Maserati race car. Eventually, Maserati branched out into cars marketed towards the general public to purchase. Their first non racing model, the A6 1500 had the same long shape of the Maserati but had a cabin with windows for a more enjoyable experience, which was a great success in 1947. Maserati went on to design many new luxury car models and the 1979 Quattroporte III was chosen by Sandro Pertini the President of Italy as his limousine.

Your Local Maserati Experts

From starting out with a humble car repair shop, the Maserati legacy has grown to providing some of the best luxury sports cars on the market. If you do own a Maserati and are looking for specific services, you will be happy to know that Rocco’s European Garage can take care of your Maserati’s Repair. If you are in North Marietta, GA, we have a shop that can service and repair all of your needs. Call us now at 404-948-5162 to schedule a service.

Written by Developer Autoshop